
Hi everyone!


Maybe you are wondering why the flow of free content has all but dried up- I am too.


The truth is that the past few weeks have been quite stressful so I have been very out of it. Now, though, I am actively working on a story that is supposed to be more of a casual read than my usual work. It is supposedly something I like to write, rather than something I feel I owe to anyone. 


If you would like to check out, I would be much obliged. You can do so using the link to my Wattpad HERE. If it garners any reads, I shall upload it here as well.


Thank you for reading!


Good day, stay safe
- River

Fireweaver is out!

Finally, the day has come! Fireweaver is now officially available on Amazon. You can find it there by searching for 'Fireweaver', followed by my name for added effect. Or you can click here to be taken straight to its page.

My utmost gratitude to anyone who has stuck around this long, and may it be the start of something great. Fireweaver today, the rest is underway.

No great deed is forgotten, good or bad.




You now find yourself on the new and improved website for River Writing. Here you can find information on the 'When the Stars Align' project, the 'Static' project, short stories, and commissions.

Short stories will become available for purchase on this site first, and the larger projects will follow later.

Thank you for your time, please enjoy a good read, or even find me on the Commissions page once it's finished, to get your own story done.


Please, if you are even mildly interested in my work, take the time to vote on Moonborn at SOOP publishing using this link!

Gathering votes here will seriously help me in my journey to publish my first novel, and will assure that you will get to see my work on the shelves someday! So, if you are interested in reading Moonborn, voting via the link is an easy and FREE way to help me towards that goal!

Should Moonborn and other bigger stories be published on Amazon?

How often do you find yourself on this site?

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2 months ago

Hey there River!
When is the whole story of WSA coming out? It looks amazing and you're quite talented. Really looking forward to read it.

2 months ago

Hi Adrian!

Thanks so much for the support!

The story of WSA has undergone some formatting here and there, which has changed the way it will be presented. Originally, it was going to be a series of three separate, but interconnected, trilogies.

Recently I have been working to split it up into different stories, to avoid trying to tell too much in one story, if that makes sense.

A while ago, Fireweaver was released, which was a step in the right direction; although I am planning to rewrite it as I have improved my writing significantly since then. Currently, I also post bits of WSA Blacklight/Overseer on Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3, so you can check that out there!

When it comes to WSA The Blue Throne, I am unsure what the fate of that story will be. I do have a manuscript lying around that used to be a work in progress, but got overshadowed by my reworks and worldbuilding of the trilogy as a whole. Additionally, Flameborn and Guardian have been redistributed as 'Beneath Northern Stars' and an untitled story that has not yet entered the writing stage.

It is good to know that there is someone who would like to read all that! To be honest, it is quite a complicated cookie. When the WSA project was started. I was barely 15 years old. Since then, it has changed soooo much; it barely looks like the thing it used to be.

If you would like to know when more WSA stories become available, feel free to take a look at this website from time to time, or following me on Tumblr/Instagram to find out in a similar fashion. Ideally, I would have something for you to read and I could send an author's copy your way, but it simply is not done yet. I wish it was.

For now, thank you so much for your comment! I hope I was able to answer your question somewhat, though through a million words.

Good day, stay safe


a year ago

Hey all! Just sending this here quickly to notify you lot that the bot calling himself Eric, (this is me assuming that he is a script), is spamming the front page with his undoubtedly misleading advertisements.

Sorry for the clutter, I will do my best to remove them when they pop up! Thanks for visiting!

2 years ago

Hi, don't know what I'm commenting on, it's my first time here, just wanted to say hi!

a year ago

Hi Atlas! Thanks for stopping by, I am glad to hear from you! I hope you find something nice to read, and if not that you will be here when there is more!